Outgoing Miss Costa Maya, Gabriela Asturias, Goes Scuba Diving

One of the prizes of winning the Costa Maya Pageant every year is a PADI certification diving course which is provided by Eddie Alamilla of Amigos del Mar. Ambergris Today caught up with Miss Guatemala Gabriela Asturia, Miss Costa Maya 2010, as she suited up for her underwater experience.

Eddie Alamilla has been instructing all the Miss Costa Maya Pageant winners for years now and all of the queens who return to San Pedro to crown their successor and enjoy a second visit to the island have nothing but great things to say about their adventure.

“Today I went diving at 60feet, Yeeeeeah,” commented Gabriela to Ambergris Today. “It is a super and wonderful experience. I fed the fish and one even bit me. Jejejeje! But everything went well. I am sad that my reign as Miss Costa Maya is over but at the same time I feel a satisfaction of having fulfilled my goal. Kisses and blessings to all, I had such a great time in San Pedro.”

Miss Costa Maya 2010 Gabriela Asturias happy to arrive in San PedroEddie Alamilla of Amigos del Mar certifies Gabriela AsturiasMiss Costa Maya 2010 Gabriela Asturias goes Scuba DivingMiss Costa Maya 2010 Gabriela Asturias goes Scuba DivingMiss Costa Maya 2010 Gabriela Asturias goes Scuba DivingMiss Costa Maya 2010 Gabriela Asturias goes Scuba DivingMiss Costa Maya 2010 Gabriela Asturias goes Scuba Diving

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