S.P. Town Library to Hold Fundraiser Event

The San Pedro Town Library is having a fund-raiser to assist with the purchase of computer and repairs needed for the furnishing of Library. The San Pedro Town Library will be showing the series of “Buccaneers and Bones” free of charge. It’s a great chance to see fellow Sanpedranos star in the “Buccaneers and Bones” series and will be shown on Friday, August 26th at 6:30pm.

There will be lots to eat and drink. Donations are being accepted as well in order to raise necessary funds to upgrade the library for the convenience of all especially the youths of our beautiful island. It is understood that a computer was stolen from the library and with funds raised the computer will be replaced as well as furniture will be repaired.

So come on out and support the local town library and watch fellow Sanpedranos featured in the series “Buccaneers and Bones”, don’t miss it this Friday, August 26th at 6:30p.m. at the San Pedro Town Library.

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