Patriotic Children's Rally

September is a month when all Belizeans big and small come out to celebrate in honor of our beautiful Belize. “Honoring our History, Celebrating our Cultures, Uniting for Peace”, under this theme many events are being held countrywide and on Friday, September 16, the Ministry of Education organized a Children’s Rally in which all the schools of San Pedro participated.

The San Pedro R.C. School lower division classes (Infant I to Standard I) had a short parade and headed back to school were they enjoyed sports day at the school compound. As for the Middle and Upper Division grades (Standard II to Standard VI) students of all schools gathered at Central Park where a short ceremony was held.

Mrs. Candy Armstrong, Education Officer of San Pedro, gave the welcome address after which short presentations including, dances, poems and musical renditions were provided by the different schools on the island.

Students got a great motivational speech about patriotism by guest speaker Mr. Angel Nuñez. Children paid keen attention to Mr. Nuñez as he spoke about love and respect of one’s school, self and most importantly our beautiful country. Students participated in a question and answer session where prizes were given out courtesy of Mayor Elsa Paz.

After the official presentations students of Isla Bonita Elementary School, New Horizon SDA School, San Pedro RC School and Holy Cross Anglican School paraded through the streets of San Pedro. Hip Hip Hurray, Que Viva Belice, Que Viva San Pedro!!!

Patriotic Children's Rally - SPRCS Lower Division ParadePatriotic Children's Rally - SPRCS Lower Division ParadePatriotic Children's Rally - SPRCS Lower Division ParadeChildren gather at Central Park for the paradeChildren watch as the drummers of Isla Bonita Elementary School arrive.Mrs. Candy Armstrong, Education Officer delivers the welcome address.Patriotic Children's RallyStudents of Holy Cross recite a poemMr. Angel Nuñez invited guest speaker.Children participated in a question and answer sessionChildren gather around eager to answer questionsSPRCS dance presentationIsla Bonita Elementary Drum CorpMs. Gracie Brown, Isla Bonita Elemetary QueenAmbergris Caye Elementary SchoolPatriotic Children's RallyNew Horizon SDA SchoolPatriotic Children's RallyPatriotic Children's RallyPatriotic Children's RallyPatriotic Children's Rally

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