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Arts & Craft Vendors Still NOT Relocated!

In October 3, 2011, Ambergris Today reported on the eventual relocation of the street vendors of Central Park. In the article it was mentioned that a meeting took place in September 2011 with the Mayor and street vendors to discuss this relocation along with rules and regulations in order to continue selling at Central Park.

During the meeting, the vendors were informed that the main palapa at Central Park would undergo some renovations including the repair of the thatch roof, proper lighting and water would all be installed at the palapa and proper signage on the beach and street side. Vendors would also be provided with standardized tables measuring 4ft x 4ft which was to be used under the palapa.

It has been four months since this meeting took place and the San Pedro Town Council has kept their word in providing all of the above to the street vendors but they are still on the street side causing even more havoc to the already congested street.

Barrier Reef Drive is an already congested street and the Central Park Area looks totally invaded by the vendors that take up space on the benches which are there for residents to use.

So what will happen now? When will these street vendors relocate to the palapa? AT contacted Deputy Mayor Severo Guerrero who explained that they expect for this relocation to take place as early as this weekend, latest early next week.

According to Deputy Mayor Guerrero, the only thing that is keeping them from enforcing this relocation is the help of the San Pedro Police. He continued by saying that the San Pedro Town Council is willing to hire three police officers to work 24 hours at the palapa to ensure that business is conducted at an orderly fashion by the street vendors and that no other vendor tries to conduct business on the street side of Central Park.

A standardized table will be available per vendor including those at the Friendship Park, vendors in front of the Catholic Church at Fido’s Beachfront area. Relocation of these vendors is expected to take place by the week’s end.

Central Park Palapa thatch roof being repairedStreet vendors now using the tables provided by the Town Council on the street side instead of under the palapaPark Vendors on the streetPark Vendors at the Friendship park some even using two tables instead of oneInstead of properly disposing of their old tables the park vendors have them thrown in the middle of the park

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