There was much enthusiasm at the school compound of the San Pedro RC School on Tuesday, February 28, 2012, as parents, students and teachers gathered outside to do some arts and crafts. Principal Roxanne Kay explained to Ambergris Today what the entire project was about.
“This is a new initiative we are currently working on in getting parents more involved in the school life of the students,” commented Principal Roxanne Kay. “We plan on hosting parents to come in one day of the month to do some arts and crafts with the children. Today we have started with the Infant I classes and they are doing posters and other crafts on the topic of pollution.”
Melanie Halliday and Daughter Alyssa Working on their project
Principal Kay continued by stating that it is not just taking time off from the children’s schedule but the arts and crafts was part of the integrated curriculum they are currently working on. Each class picks a subject of interest to work on for example pollution which is part of Social Studies and Science class and works on the topic in class as well as gets to incorporate it in their arts and crafts project.
Tiffany and her son Isaac next to their poster
“We would like to see the involvement of parents with their children as this motivates them to work harder in school,” stated Principal Kay. The Infant I students, along with parents, painted posters on pollution creating awareness on the topic and the posters were placed all over campus for all to see. Other students and parents painted flower pots made from used golf cart tires, while others decorated and painted garbage bins to encourage the proper disposal of garbage.
Angelo Marin with the supervision oh his mom Marisela Marin painting bees on his garbage can
Kudos to the Staff of SPRCS for taking this imitative of holding parent/student activities for the educational welfare of the children and kudos to all the parents who took time off from their busy schedules to part take in an important part of their children’s lives!