Joris Hendrik Presents Eco-Friendly Fashion for Earth Day

Remember Belize’s eco-friendly fashion designer Joris Hendrik and is one-of-a-kind “recycled clothes”? Well Joris has never stopped creating these unique and fashionable designs and as a tribute to Mother Nature he presented yet another fashion project in commemoration of Earth Day, April 22, 2012.

This year, for the 42nd anniversary of Earth Day, Joris Hendrik organized and headed a personal environmental awareness project. He held a photo shoot in the Cayo District at an undisclosed location with the central theme being “mourning for Mother Nature’s slow degradation”.

“This theme was chosen because, as humans, when we see someone mourning we all feel their pains, then we create personal resolutions to help the person through their hardship and we protect  what we could also lose,” commented Joris to Ambergris Today.

“In this case what we could lose is Mother Nature. The mission of the project is to raise environmental awareness and to encourage everyone to willingly work together to protect our Jewel, our homeland, Belize. How can we protect our homeland, our world? We can do so by simply producing less waste and by reusing, renewing, and recycling. Eco Love is an example of being creative when you reuse, renew and recycle”, concluded Joris Groenendaal.

In this, his latest project for Mother Earth, Joris’ makeup artist Vanessa Awe transformed the models’ facial expressions into the theme of the shoot, which evokes a state of mourning. The photographer on set was Will Moreno; he directed the entire shoot. Joris stated that the models are all amazing people with tremendously outstanding personalities.

Joris Hendrik’s Eco Love is an ethical fashion revolution that showcases avante garde dresses designed and created by him using recycled and unconventional materials. These materials include plastic, newspaper, video tape, wood, metal and many other reusable items. The goal with this project is to show the world that Fashion is Art. Fashion is an important pioneer to changing the way society thinks and acts. By incorporating recycling into Fashion an ethical fashion revolution is born. Click Here to View more photos on Joris Hendrik Facebook Page

Joris Hendrik Eco Friendly FashionJoris Hendrik Eco Friendly FashionJoris Hendrik Eco Friendly Fashion

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