Teachers, students and proud parents gathered to recognize the achievements of the top students in this year’s PSE exams in Belize. The National P.S.E. award ceremony was held on Thursday, June 20, 2012, at the Princess Hotel in Belize City.
The three top students from San Pedro were also in attendance at the ceremony which included Tanairi Arana, Yasir Roberts and Jerdon Anderson, all from San Pedro Roman Catholic School. Being the top performer of the three, Tariani Arana received four awards, a certificate of excellence for Top 20 Performer in the country, a certificate of achievement for Top 10 in the Belize District and certificates of recognition for perfect scores in both Science and Math. Yasir Roberts and Jerdon Anderson received certificate of recognition for perfect scores in Science.
Of the 6,983 who sat the exams back on March 26 and May 7, 25 were singled out for topping the scores. After the presentation of certificates of recognition, Minister Patrick Faber made the announcement that all top 25 students will be receiving full scholarships for high school, instead of the usual book grants.
Ambergris Today and the community of San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, congratulate Tanairi, Yasir and Jerdon for a job well done and wish them the best in their high school education.