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Rowan’s Inspirational Walk Across Belize

Life is full of challenges and it is how we deal with these challenges that make us better persons. We look towards heroes and role models to help us surpass these challenges. Nothing short of inspirational is what 14-year-old Rowan Garel is for Belize and the world. He has climbed Victoria Peak (Belize’s highest point) to raise funds for the blind and visually impaired and this weekend he walked 92 miles across Belize to raise funds for the Belize Council of the Visually Impaired (BCVI).

Nothing is impossible for Rowan! His blindness is not a handicap and he has proven to be a hero to his country and an inspiration to us all. Rowan started his walk across Belize on Thursday, July 12, 2012, at the Benque Viejo border and over the last four days, despite the heat, soreness and tired feet, he continued to walk along the Western Highway to raise awareness and funds for this vulnerable group.

Rowan Walks Across Belize

Rowan made his triumphant arrival into Belize City as he reached his targeted destination on Monday, July 16, 2012, at the BCVI headquarters where his supporters rushed in to greet him at the end of the 92 mile walk.

“It was painful, it was hard, it was difficult but now I really feel triumphant because I’ve made it and it’s all over,” stated Rowan to Belize City media. “But it was definitely worth it, we’ve had people supporting us, contributing, cheering us on and I am really glad that we had that much support.”

Rowan finished the entire 92 mile walk from the Benque border to Belize City with his entire family, but there were other people who went above and beyond in solidarity. Rowan admitted that climbing the Victoria Peak was much easier but that this challenge was more rewarding since he had the support of people cheering him on and contributing. The entire effort was a test of his will and endurance, but at the end of the day, all the funds raised is for the BCVI.

Although Rowan has not decided what his next challenge will be he encourages people to support the BCVI as they are the only organization in Belize that deals with blind or visually impaired persons. The final tally of how much was raised during the walk will be announced next week. Congratulations Rowan and the Garel Family!

Rowan Walks Across Belize

Rowan Walks Across BelizeRowan Walks Across BelizeRowan Walks Across BelizeRowan Walks Across BelizeRowan Walks Across Belize

You can still contribute to Rowan’s cause by making donations at:
Belize Bank Account # 71096
At BCVI Office – phone # 636-1130

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