September Celebrations in Full Swing

September Celebrations 2012 Spelling Bee
The calendar of events for this year’s September Celebrations was filled with educational activities. On Thursday, September 13, 2012, students from various primary schools on the island participated in the annual spelling bee.

Participating schools included New Horizons SDA School, The Island Academy, Ambergris Caye Elementary School and the San Pedro RC School. Winners for this year’s September Celebrations Spelling Bee were: Logan Gray – ACES- 1st Place, Kaylie Alamilla – SPRCS – 2nd Place and Kaylie Kumul – The Island Academy – 3rd Place.

Congratulations to all winners and participants in this year’s Spelling Bee!

September Celebrations 2012 Spelling Bee

Spelling Bee Competition

September Celebrations 2012 Spelling Bee

Spelling Bee Competition

September Celebrations 2012 Spelling Bee

Deputy Mayor Severo Guerrero, Kaylie Kumul, Logan Gray, Kaylie Alamilla and Miss SP Naiely Puc

September Celebrations 2012 Spelling Bee

Deputy Mayor Severo Guerrero and Miss SP Naiely Puc with Spelling Bee Participants



Children’s Talent Show!
Many Faces, Many Dream, One goal – Celebrating Belize!

Children’s Talent Show!

Celebrating is exactly what primary school children were doing on Friday, September 14, 2012. Students were invited to participate in a school rally where island students from pre-schools, primary schools and high school all gathered at the Central Park for a short ceremony after which they paraded through the streets of San Pedro.

Later in the evening pre-school and primary school children participated in the annual Children’s Talent Show. There was lots of dancing, patriotic poems and cute and entertaining performances that had all those in attendance having a good time.

Children’s Talent Show!

SPRCS Infant I Class performing – El Toucan!

Children’s Talent Show!

SPRCS Standard I Class reciting a patriotic poem

Children’s Talent Show!

SPRCS –  El Mariachi Loco dance performance

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