San Pedro High Baseball Team Off to Panama

It has been several years of preparations and the past two years of intense training to bring the San Pedro High School softball team to be national champs. And for the past six months they have been working in baseball since this championship won them the privilege to represent Belize in Panama City to play against other secondary male teams for the CODICADER Central American Championship.

Today Wednesday, October 10, 2012, the team of 17 players along with teacher, coaches and manager take off to Panama for their well deserved trip and adventure in the Central American Games.  Win or lose gold, silver or bronze, we know they are all winners already by the mere fact of participating. It is in participating and making friends from abroad and holding up their Belizean flag that they are winners.  

On behalf of San Pedro High we would like to thank all those that made the trip possible.  Thanks to the high school student body and staff that raised funds through barbecues and to the administration for a $10,000 support. Thanks to the friends of San Pedro High and Caye Caulker Water Taxi for their donations through the telethon which raised over $5,000. Of course, much respect and appreciation to Kelly and Mukul Kanabar for their $10,000 donation to the team to make their dream trip come through.

This is history for San Pedro High and we say congrats. The only other time something similar happened was back in 1995 or thereabout when a delegation of soccer players and a high school band travelled to Virginia for friendly high school matches and the boys brought back a silver.  The high school band brought back gold. Three years later there was a repeat with a soccer team and a dance group which performed equally as good. Much respect to San Pedro High!

Good Luck to our boys, their first game is scheduled for Friday, October 12, 2012 against the host country of Panama! Good Luck Boys make us proud! Ambergris Today will keep everyone posted on their progress in the tournament.

San Pedro High Baseball Team Off to Panama

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