Residents of San Mateo have much to rejoice these days. Just last week Mr. Glen Wilson of Bay Trust International Ltd. made a generous donation of $50,000US for road works in the area and on Monday, October 29, 2012, Mrs. Denise Robateau of UNICEF met with Mayor Daniel Guerrero to address the sewerage sanitation in the area.
At the meeting held at the Mayor’s office were members of NEMO, Ministry of Education and Health, Belize Water Services and Councilors, to name a few, all of which addressed the importance of proper water sanitation in the area that basically has none.
Mrs. Robateau addressed the importance of proper water sanitation and all the campaigns that are being carried out so as to teach children in school and parents about the importance of washing their hands and having clean water for daily usage.
She continued by stating that UNICEF is willing to work hand-in-hand with the local government on the island for the betterment and improvement of the island, especially the San Mateo Area.
Presently, water is distributed to residents of the San Mateo Area through the San Pedro Town Council as Belize Water Services cannot connect any house to the town’s water system without proper streets that are still lacking in the residential subdivision. It was brought up in the meeting that the most important thing of all needed in the area is proper sewerage system so as to have a clean and safe environment.
This is a costly project, but UNICEF agreed to work along with Mayor Guerrero and possibly along with OCEANA so as to bring necessary changes and much needed sewerage system and water to the area.
The San Pedro Town Council is to prepare a project proposal for consultation so that UNICEF can include it in its yearly budget so that work at San Mateo can commence.