Belize Takes Steps for Sustainable Management of National Conch Fishery

The Fisheries Department advises and reminds the fishing community and the general public that it has implemented a range of management measures for the conch fishery to ensure that employment and livelihood opportunities for fishers, processors and others associated with the fishing industry are safeguarded over the long-term future. The measures being implemented by the Fisheries Department are also focused on sustaining the abundance of the conch stocks and the integrity of the environment upon which these species depend.

The Management measures include the implementation of a Quota System or TAC, size limits and closed season regulations for the species, as well as the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Fishing Cooperatives and the Ministry of Forestry, Fisheries and Sustainable Development for the current 2012-2013 Conch Season.

These management measures are in response to Belize’s commitment to sustainably manage conch stocks at the national level, as well as in relation to its obligation to implement the regulations and management measures adopted by the Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species, also referred to as CITES, of which Belize is a signatory.

The Fisheries Department takes this opportunity to commend the Fishing Cooperatives and fishers in general for their support and proactive engagement in confirming to, and abiding with the various management measures, and urges the Cooperatives and their membership to continue to participate and support the full suite of its national management program which is geared towards the sustainable stewardship of the conch fishery.

The Fisheries Department hereby takes this opportunity to wish the FISHING COMMUNITY and the general public a “MERRY CHRISTMAS, AND A PROSPEROUS AND SUSTAINABLE FISHING SEASON FOR 2013”!

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