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It’s a Girl – San Pedro’s New Year Baby 2013!

Every newborn baby is reason to celebrate but this bouncing little gal is an extra special reason to celebrate because she is San Pedro’s First Born for 2013. It’s a girl!  She is the first child for Marina Olivera and Juan Rosalez born on January 4, 2013.  

This proud Sanpedrana was born at 10:30a.m. on January 4 at the Ambergris Hopes Clinic under the care of Nurse Natalie Palen and weighed in at 7 pounds 10 ounces. This beautiful baby receives the generous prizes offered by Ambergris Today through its generous sponsors.

The baby’s name is Giselle Elizabeth Rosalez and on Friday, January 4, 2013 the excited staff of Ambergris Today visited Marina and baby Giselle at their home in the Escalante subdivision to present them with their gifts as follows:

Tropic Air -Round Trip Flight to Belize City for Mom & Baby
Dr. Daniel Gonzalez – Free Check Up
San Pedro Town Council – $200.00 Cash
Jose Luis Zapata Photography – Mini Photo Shoot & 8×10 Calendar Print
Clinica Los Pinos – Free Consultation & Micro Dermabrasion by Dr. Teresa Damera
Gecko Graphics – Gift
Caye Supplies – Gift
War Paint – Gift
Ashley’s – $50 Gift Certificate
Richie’s Supermarket – Gift
Nai Nels – Gift
La Divina Providencia – Gift
Wings – Gift
Divas & Dudes – $50 Gift Certificate

It’s a Girl - San Pedro’s New Year Baby 2013!

Giselle Elizabeth Rosalez – San Pedro’s New Year Baby 2013!

Being the first baby of the New Year comes with fame and gifts. That one lucky newborn is usually on the news, and often the family receives some sort of gift package.

What other perks come with having a New Year’s baby? On top of the gift baskets and the publicity, there are a few superstitions surrounding those born on New Year’s Day.

— Babies born on the New Year are said to be lucky for life.
— The family of a New Year’s baby will have good luck that year.
— New Year’s babies won’t be visited by evil, and can’t be drowned or hung.
— A baby born on New Year’s is said to have great fertility and have a green thumb.

Ambergris Today congratulates Marina and Juan, welcomes Giselle to San Pedro and thanks all the sponsors who generously donated gifts and services which Giselle Rosalez will enjoy.

It’s a Girl - San Pedro’s New Year Baby 2013!It’s a Girl - San Pedro’s New Year Baby 2013!It’s a Girl - San Pedro’s New Year Baby 2013!It’s a Girl - San Pedro’s New Year Baby 2013!

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