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Goodwill Brings Comfort to Senior Citizen on Wheelchair

If you frequent Boca del Rio Drive you might have stumbled upon this elderly lady sitting on her wheelchair, mostly during the afternoons across from the Oasis condo complex. Doña Maria Lourdes de Cano loves to spend her time enjoying the cool breeze under the seagrape tree. But have you noticed the condition of the wheelchair she sits in?

It looks very uncomfortable; a makeshift wheelchair made out of a plastic chair, bicycle wheels and parts of a real wheelchair. Well, thanks to Mama Vilma Family Home and a group of generous and thoughtful individuals, Doña Maria has a new and much more comfortable wheelchair and better mobility.

Mrs. Shelly Huber, President of the Mama Vilma Family Home, presented her with the new wheel chair courtesy of the Rotary of Belize-Sunrise and Rotary of Fort Sascatchewan Alberta, Canada. Special thanks also go out to Caye Caulker Water Taxi, Carms Mancia, Perlita Zapata, and Ms. Patty Arceo for their cooperation.

Today Doña Maria smiles a little brighter and she sends her blessings and thanks to Canada and all those who assisted here in Belize.

Goodwill Brings Comfort to Senior Citizen on Wheelchair

President of Mama Vilma Family Home, Shelly Huber, presents Maria Lourdes with a new wheelchair

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