The Special Envoy for Women and Children will be embarking on a countrywide Girl Empowerment Campaign, which will be launched in Belize City on Monday, October 28, 2013. This tour is an extension of the My Precious is Precious initiative, which started with the launch of a child friendly book on “good touch, bad touch” in April of this year.
As we continue efforts to educate the public on sexual abuse of children, the Girl Empowerment Campaign will focus on high school girls. Our aim is to encourage these young ladies to delay their sexual debut and not to give in to the pressures they may face at this critical point in their development. The campaign will also seek to educate teenage girls about sexual abuse, and to provide information for those who have been or are still being victimized on seeking help and recovering from the trauma of these experiences. We want to remind them that their bodies are also precious.
The tour will make 9 stops over 6 days as per the schedule below. In each location, a mini rally will be held in which Mrs. Kim Simplis Barrow and other inspirational speakers hope to inspire the young ladies in attendance to see their true value and cherish their bodies.
Mackeva Westby
Program Coordinator
Special Envoy for Women and Children
Phone: 223-1941/42
Kim Simplis Barrow
4972 Withfield Tower
Coney Drive Business Plaza
Belize City, Belize C.A.