Belize Fisheries Department Now Issuing Fisher Folk Licenses

The Fisheries Department hereby informs the PUBLIC that it will start the renewal of fisher folk licenses for 2014 on December 16, 2013. Applicants are advised that they must present the following documents when applying:

1.Fisherfolk License Requirements
First Issue/Renewals

(a) Applicant must be 18 years or older and
(b) Present a valid Social Security Card or
(c) Voters Identification Card along with a Birth Certificate or
(d) Valid Passport

Naturalized Belizean
(a) Applicant must be 18 years or older and
(b) Present Nationality Certificate and valid Social Security Card or
(c) Valid Passport

Permanent Resident
(a) Applicant must be 18 years or older and
(b) Present Residence Stamp on valid Passport and
(c) Present a valid Social Security Card

In addition to the aforementioned requirements ALL applicants must pay the required fees and present the following information:

(a) Proof of residency (Copy of one utility bill: Electricity, Water or Telephone) and
The Mission of the Department is to provide the country and the people of Belize with the best possible management of aquatic and
fisheries resources, with a view to optimize the present and future benefits through efficient and sustainable management

(b) Proof of sale in Belize (Receipts of sale of fishery products from fishermen cooperative, restaurant, hotel, etc.)

Note: If no utility bill is available then the applicant is required to present the last three (3) months rental receipt and, an affidavit or letter from the landlord stating that the applicant is residing at his/her residence for the last three (3) months and this must be signed by a Justice of the Peace.

2.Managed Access License For Glovers Reef Marine Reserve & Port Honduras Marine

Reserve Requirements
Renewals Only
(a) 2013 Managed Access License/commercial license
(b) Compliance with daily catch log
(c) Fill out Socio Economic Form

3.Boat License Requirements
(a) Owner or master of the vessel must PRESENT a valid commercial fisher folk license.
(b) Vessel must PRESENT a valid Sea Worthy Certificate issued by the Belize Port Authority

4.Card Replacement

The fisherman must present the receipt issued by the Police Department or the report stating the loss of the license (Commercial Fisherfolk or Boat License).

Price For License
Commercial License (new & renewal) $25
Commercial/Managed Access license Renewal $25
Card Replacement $10
Vessel License under 20’ $15
Vessel License over 20’ $25

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