The San Pedro Cycling Club is a very active group made up of very young and enthusiastic members who are always practicing and ready for any race. The Club held its 3rd Annual Easter Monday Cycling Race on Monday, April 21, 2014, which consisted of two races. The two divisions included Juvenile Category (cyclist 13 years and under) and Junior/Senior Category.
Winners for the races were:
Juvenile Category:
1st Place: Andy Rivero
2nd Place: Zenedine Pinelo
3rd Place: DeAndre Vasquez
Junior Category:
1st Place: Keian Ancona
2nd Place: Eric Lara
3rd Place: Byron Lara
Senior Category:
1st Place: Andrew Vasquez
2nd Place: Keith Moralez
3rd Place: Perry Staine
All top three winners received trophies while other participants received medals for their participation and great efforts. Thanks go out to all cyclists and everyone who came out to support the island’s cyclists. Congratulations to all the winners and participants.