100 Eye-popping Trash Bins Distributed in San Pedro Town

San Pedro Town Council Keeping La Isla Bonita Clean – The San Pedro Town Council is working arduously in keeping our lovely island clean. With hundreds of workers raking the beaches and sweeping the paved roads on a daily basis, the work is never done. Just this week, hundred plastic barrels have been purchased to be used as garbage bins that will be placed throughout the island.

A hundred barrels have been brightly and colorfully painted and will be strategically placed throughout the island in order for people to use them wherever they are. According to Councilor Kenrick Brackett, an extra hundred barrels should be arriving soon, of which some will be distributed to schools and a set will be sold to the public.

“We would like to ask the cooperation of the public to place their trash in the proper place, in trash bins,” stated Brackett. “They are painted very brightly for everyone to see and hope everyone makes good use of the garbage bins and not vandalize them. Let us all keep our island clean.”

100 Eye-popping Trash Bins Distributed in San Pedro Town

Town foreman Freddie Gonzalez Jr. and team of workers placed eight trash bins at Central Park, two at Esmeralda Park, ten at Boca Del Rio Park and a total of 22 trash bins were placed on the beach side from Esmeralda Park to Boca Del Rio Park, approximately 200 yards from each other.

“We are asking everyone to make good use of the trash bins,” stated Town Foreman Freddie Gonzalez. “The trash bins will be secured at each location and plastic bags on the trash bins, workers will be keeping track of the trash bins so that they do not over flow. The garbage will be picked up twice a day or more if necessary.”

Town Foremen, Freddie Gonzalez Jr. and Abel Guerrero Jr. will be responsible of maintaining the bins and making sure they are emptied promptly. If any resident has a concern, suggestion or wants to report an overly-full trash bin they can do so to both Freddie and Abel.

The San Pedro Town Council would like to thank the anonymous donor who contributed towards the garbage bins.

100 Eye-popping Trash Bins Distributed in San Pedro Town

100 Eye-popping Trash Bins Distributed in San Pedro Town

100 Eye-popping Trash Bins Distributed in San Pedro Town

100 Eye-popping Trash Bins Distributed in San Pedro Town

100 Eye-popping Trash Bins Distributed in San Pedro Town

100 Eye-popping Trash Bins Distributed in San Pedro Town100 Eye-popping Trash Bins Distributed in San Pedro Town100 Eye-popping Trash Bins Distributed in San Pedro Town100 Eye-popping Trash Bins Distributed in San Pedro Town100 Eye-popping Trash Bins Distributed in San Pedro Town100 Eye-popping Trash Bins Distributed in San Pedro Town

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