San Pedro United Democratic Party Announces Slate for Municipal Election

On Thursday, August 1, 2014, the United Democratic Party (UDP) finally presented its list of seven candidates that will be running for Municipal elections on March 4, 2015. Area Representative Manuel Heredia appeared in the Good Morning Show at Reef TV flanked by the seven candidates against a huge banner of the same. Each candidate introduced himself by name and occupation and expressed enthusiasm for running under the flag of the United Democratic Party. 

The red team is comprised of the following:  Gabriel Nuñez (contractor/builder), Severo Guerrero, (Dentist), Daniel Guerrero (Real Estate), Flora Ancona, (Office Clerk), Ruben Gonzalez (Store Manager/Accountant), Gary Greif (Businessman), Hector Alamilla (Postal Clerk). The mayoral candidate mentioned the work accomplished during his administration and promised to continue on this fast action plan, especially on infrastructure.

Standard Bearer for the UDP spoke on his close working relationship with the San Pedro Town Council and went on to mention the Prime Minister’s promise to build the new hospital for San Pedro, as well as the new primary school. He also mentioned the 6% raise for teachers and public officers.
“We are confident we will win because we are pro-poor and also because we have transferred 175 more voters than the PUP,” stated Heredia.  According to Heredia, they have a great UDP slate, a strong team working day and night and a lot of support from the residents of San Pedro.

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