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Video Pick: Behind the Scenes Costa Maya Pageant Swimsuit Photo Shoot

ideo Pick: Behind the Scenes Costa Maya Pageant Photo Shoot
The official photo shoot for the Costa Maya Pageant delegates took place last weekend prior to all the fun activities the ladies partook in. They had to wake up at the crack of dawn to take advantage of the beautiful Belizean sunrise.
Photographer Jose Luis Zapata was in charge of capturing the beauty of each delegate on location at Ramon’s Village Resort, the official hotel sponsor of the Reina de la Costa Maya Pageant. Ambergris Today tagged along this year to capture some great behind the scenes footage as the eight delegates delighted both the video and picture cameras. Enjoy the behind the scenes footage we captured for your enjoyment.

The official photo shoot for the Costa Maya Pageant delegates took place last weekend prior to all the fun activities the ladies partook in. They had to wake up at the crack of dawn to take advantage of the beautiful Belizean sunrise.

Photographer Jose Luis Zapata was in charge of capturing the beauty of each delegate on location at Ramon’s Village Resort, the official hotel sponsor of the Reina de la Costa Maya Pageant. Ambergris Today tagged along this year to capture some great behind the scenes footage as the eight delegates delighted both the video and picture cameras. Enjoy the behind the scenes footage we captured for your enjoyment.

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