Another Successful Blood Drive by Red Cross and Cancer Society

The Belize Red Cross – San Pedro Branch (BRCSP) held another successful blood drive on Saturday, October, 2015, with many community members turning out to donate blood at the Dr. Otto Rodriguez San Pedro Polyclinic II, Manta Ray St., San Pedro. Community volunteers helped make the process go smoothly as they took their places as greeters at the door, handing out juice and cookies, directing traffic and collecting donations on the street.

A healthy turn out of willing donors from 9:00am – 7:00pm donating blood kept the clinic busy all day. The BRCSP branch was able to collect 34 pints of blood for the San Pedro blood reserve to be held at the Belize Blood Bank, Belize City. The monetary donations given on the street of just over $300 will benefit both BRCSP to further the community programs and The San Pedro Cancer Society. Working with the Belize Blood Transfusion Services Group with their enthusiasm and professionalism is always a positive experience.

BRCSP send heartfelt thanks to all donors for making this blood drive so successful.

Another Successful Blood Drive by Red Cross and Cancer Society

“A big thank you goes to those businesses that encouraged their employees to come out and donate. Congratulations to Monch Acosta for winning an opportunity for first aid training and Sandy Point Resort for winning an industry first aid kit.

A huge thank you goes out to all our sponsors: The Dr. Otto Rodriguez Polyclinic II, Tropic Air, Ramon’s Village Resort, El Fogon, Marbucks, SP Hardware, Caye Coffee and Coco Loco’s. Keep a look out for the information on the next blood drive coming up in January 2016. Remember…. IT’S IN YOU TO GIVE!”

Another Successful Blood Drive by Red Cross and Cancer Society

Another Successful Blood Drive by Red Cross and Cancer Society

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