Music, paint and entertaining street dancers – it’s the beginning of Carnaval in San Pedro. On Sunday, February 7, 2016 the island came to life as many enjoyed one of the most traditional celebrations on the island.
Islanders and travelers surrounded the streets to witness some of the funniest Comparsas (street dancing groups) enjoying their laugh-out-loud lyrics, dance routines and outfits. Two groups hit the streets with their most awaited performances full of energy, kicking off Carnaval just right.
Of course Carnaval is not complete without the annual colorful painting spree which everybody looks forward to. This unique and colorful traditional continues for two more days. Here are some images of the FUN of San Pedro Carnaval Day One:
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Tourist taking her selfie with a comparsa member
Children head out on the streets to paint each other
Doña Flora Ancona’s Carnaval Group
Mrs. Reina del Carnaval joins the dancing/singing fun of the street comparsas
San Pedro AIDS Commission Carnaval Group Comparsa