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Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

“I love this so much, I want to do it every year,” commented San Pedro Carnaval Queen Melida Pereira about her participation in the Carnaval Comparsas (street dancing). “Why did I not know of all this fun.” Melida participated in the comparsas as part of her winning the Mrs. Reina del Carnaval pageant, now on its third year and a welcome staple to the Carnaval celebrations in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize.

Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

Melida Pereira enjoying San Pedro Carnaval

And while Melida danced, performed and sang her heart out for three consecutive days, alongside four other comparsa groups, hundreds of tourists who visited the island during the festivities enjoyed the celebrations. We met first-time visitors who were thrilled about the painting and others who have been visiting the island for 20 years now, only during Carnaval because they love the tradition so much.

San Pedro Carnaval has become a major tourist attraction for Belize with its unique cultural influence tied with religious and folkloric roots on the island of Ambergris Caye. The street painting is now controlled on front street and Central Park and cleanup starts immediately after the celebration ends; Ash Wednesday marks the religious aspect of the festival that leads up to Easter celebrations on the island.

San Pedro Town Council Announces Winners of Carnaval Comparsas 2016:
1st Place: San Pedro AIDS Commission
2nd Place: Mrs. Flora Ancona’s Group
3rd Place: Black N White Charikanari Dancers

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Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

Central Park is invaded with painting revelers

Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

Tourists having a blast during Carnaval

Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

Young visiting tourists give away Mardi Gras beaded necklaces to Carnaval partcipants

Carnaval Painting

Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

Carnaval Comparsas

Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

San Pedro AIDS Commission Wins First Place in Carnaval Competition

Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

Mrs. Flora Ancona’s Group Wins Second Place in Comparsa Competition

Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

The Local Barbies

Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

Carnaval Ends with a Bang, is Major Tourist Attraction

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