Belize Government Stops All Offshore Surveys for Now

Postponement of the Completion of the Multibeam and Sea Seep Survey – The Ministry of Economic Development and Petroleum has issued a press release informing the general public that the completion of the offshore multibeam and sea seep survey will be postponed until public consultations on the survey are conducted.  

The Ministry will inform the general public of the schedule of the public consultations so that interested persons may attend.

The Ministry of Economic Development and Petroleum, through the Geology and Petroleum Department stated that they will continue to ensure that the petroleum sector is developed in a responsible and environmentally conscious manner which can contribute to the sustainable development of Belize.

With the postponement of Multibeam and cancellation of seismic survey, it’s a great victory for the coastal communities of Belize, especially Ambergris Caye and Caye Caulker, calling the government of Belize to put an end to offshore oil exploration.

Still, with the help of Oceana Belize and environmental groups like The Belize Coalition to Save Our Natural Heritage and WWF Belize, Belizeans are urging government to legislate a position on the offshore oil moratorium. Oceana is reiterating the need for legislation on the moratorium because the policy is not even a written document and given that policies can change with little or no notice.

Protecting Belize’s World Heritage Sites

Did you know that of the 1,052 World Heritage Sites Worldwide, ONLY 49 are marine? AND, Belize is home to one of the most beautiful?

Our Belize Barrier Reef System was given the prestigious title of World Heritage Site almost 20 years ago. A designation reserved for places on earth that are of OUTSTANDING UNIVERSAL VALUE to humanity and as such, to be protected for future generations to appreciate and enjoy.

Help us protect our jewel. This rare treasure that we call home. Go to and let the Prime Minister know that our Belize World Heritage Site is worthy of protection.

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