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Tearful Candle Light Vigil Creates Awareness for Gun Violence in Belize

Residents of San Pedro gathered at the Central Park on Saturday, November 26, 2016, for a special candle light vigil ceremony hosted by the Belize Youth Movement (BYM), Footprints for peace, and Ms. Shakera Young.

The ceremony was organized for a peaceful demonstration and a candle light walk in memory of Tyler Savery, a seven-year-old whose life was taken away in a double homicide due to gun violence. Mother of Tyler, Shakera Young has decided to become an agent of change, not only for her son, but for other innocent lives who have been taken. Her goal is to raise awareness against gun violence that plagues this country and ensuring the safety of future generations. She has dedicated her time in traveling to different areas of the country to raise awareness.

On November 11, 2016, Shakera received the devastating news that no mother ever wants to receive. Her son had been shot to the chest and was consoled only with the fact that doctors confirmed he died instantly and did to suffer. Tragically this is not the first time she loses a family member to gun violence. 

Shakera stated that the past couple of weeks have been really hard for her she has had to collect herself and understand that she will never see her child again. “I have spent Christmas six years by his side, this will be the first without him,” she stated.

The grieving mother also said she will continue to spread her message of hope and call to ending violence; she won’t give up as she wants her message to be heard loud and clear. There are plans for more candle light vigils spread around the country with pending dates to be announced

Ambergris Today and the community of San Pedro, Ambergris Caye express sincere condolences to Ms. Shakera; she has gained a new angel. 

Tearful Candle Light Vigil Creates Awareness for Gun Violence in Belize

Tearful Candle Light Vigil Creates Awareness for Gun Violence in Belize

Tearful Candle Light Vigil Creates Awareness for Gun Violence in Belize

Tearful Candle Light Vigil Creates Awareness for Gun Violence in Belize

Tearful Candle Light Vigil Creates Awareness for Gun Violence in Belize

Tearful Candle Light Vigil Creates Awareness for Gun Violence in Belize

Tearful Candle Light Vigil Creates Awareness for Gun Violence in Belize

Tearful Candle Light Vigil Creates Awareness for Gun Violence in Belize

Tearful Candle Light Vigil Creates Awareness for Gun Violence in Belize

Tearful Candle Light Vigil Creates Awareness for Gun Violence in Belize

Tearful Candle Light Vigil Creates Awareness for Gun Violence in Belize

Tearful Candle Light Vigil Creates Awareness for Gun Violence in Belize

Tearful Candle Light Vigil Creates Awareness for Gun Violence in Belize

Tearful Candle Light Vigil Creates Awareness for Gun Violence in Belize

Tearful Candle Light Vigil Creates Awareness for Gun Violence in Belize

Tearful Candle Light Vigil Creates Awareness for Gun Violence in Belize

Tearful Candle Light Vigil Creates Awareness for Gun Violence in Belize

Tearful Candle Light Vigil Creates Awareness for Gun Violence in Belize


Tearful Candle Light Vigil Creates Awareness for Gun Violence in Belize

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