San Pedro Expands Blood Drives to Caye Caulker

The Belize Red Cross San Pedro Branch was pleased to facilitate training for the first blood drive (that they know of) on Caye Caulker. Belize Blood Services Nurse Doreen Madrill and Juan Rocha, Lab Tech, both confirmed in the 13 and 14 years that they have been working for Belize Blood Services that they have never done a blood drive there. The monumental event was carried out March 4th with the help of Noelle Gray, Nurse Chris Diego, island residents and the support of local San Pedro and Caye Caulker businesses.


The blood drive was a huge success. A strong show of community support made it clear that Caye Caulker Islanders are huge advocates for blood collection. They came out steadily all day long and donated a total of 21 pints by 3:00 pm.

Each pint donated can be separated into the three components, plasma, platelets and red blood cells – saving up to three lives. All blood collected goes to Belize City to be stored at the blood bank and used when needed for all residents of Belize.

The dollar drive was very successful and many students and other local volunteers did an amazing job of raising funds totalling $1040.00 which go towards this important blood drive advocacy work.


San Pedro Expands Blood Drives to Caye Caulker

Though the next date is yet to be scheduled, Caye Caulker has asked the San Pedro Branch to help them run blood drives twice a year, before the start of low season and after the beginning of high season.

The Belize Red Cross San Pedro Branch would like to thank The Caye Caulker Clinic and Nurse Chris Diego, Ocean Ferry, Caye Reef Condos, Seadreams Hotel, Villa Almendra, Seaside Cabanas, Southside Pizza, Sub-Away, The Lazy Lizard, and Wish Willy’s for helping to further this important cause. Thanks also go out to all of the wonderful volunteers and to those who came out to donate blood – together we are “Changing history through saving lives and helping the community.”

If you would like to find out how you can donate, get blood typed,or have a need for blood, please email, or To participate in becoming First Aid / CPR / AED certified, please contact us at

You can also like our Facebook page to stay up to date and as a show of support at


San Pedro Expands Blood Drives to Caye Caulker 

San Pedro Expands Blood Drives to Caye Caulker

San Pedro Expands Blood Drives to Caye Caulker

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