The Annual Wonder Woman Challenge between women of the various disciplines in the security forces of Belize starts on Thursday, May 25, 2017. Female officers from the Belize Coast Guard (BCG), the Belize Defence Force, and the Belize Police Department will partake in a two-day event that includes four physically demanding challenges. These are a six-mile relay, a run-swim-run competition, the BCG Medley in which the teams must run while carrying four different burdens, and an obstacle course competition.
This year’s competition takes place on the 25th-26th of May, starting at 8:00 AM at the Belize Coast Guard Headquarters, 4 ½ miles George Price Highway. The Wonder Woman Challenge is meant to foster teamwork, good sportsmanship, and a way to encourage the recruitment of women into the security sector. Members of the public are invited to come and support their favorite team. For more information contact the Belize Coast Guard Headquarters.