Belize to Announces World Oceans Day Activities

In celebration of World Oceans Day 2017, Coastal Zone Management Authority and Institute (CZMAI) is hosting a series of activities on June 8, 2017 at several preschools across Belize City from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

With the theme this year, “Our Oceans, Our Future,” CZMAI is joining with hundreds of organizations and millions of individuals from around the world who will recognize this special day for ocean awareness and action. The activities will focus on educating Belize’s children about the importance of our oceans, seas and other water bodies and what they can do to help to reduce pollution.
Staff from CZMA’s administrative and technical programs which include: Coastal Planning, Water Quality Monitoring, Coastal and Marine Data Centre, and Sport Fishing will engage the preschoolers through short videos, books and creative arts centered on the “Oceans” theme. By doing this, CZMAI intends to create an early impression on our children, thereby instilling a care for all marine life and habitats.
World Oceans Day is officially recognized by the United Nations, and has become an annual celebration on 8 June, as well as a call for ocean conservation action throughout the year. Promoted and coordinated by The Ocean Project since 2002, in partnership with a network of diverse organizations, the effort has expanded to over 100 countries. World Oceans Day brings together aquariums, zoos, museums, schools and universities, businesses, organizations and other groups, including divers, surfers, sailors, communities of faith, governments, the maritime industry and the tourism and recreational industry.

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