Today, David Doehm was charged with the possession of a small amount of class C controlled drugs, namely diazapam (Valium). He and wife Anke appeared in San Pedro Magistrate’s Court, on July 10, 2017, where he pleaded guilty to his charge. Anke on the other hand pleaded not guilty, stating that the drugs were not hers.
David was fined $108.00, but could not pay his fine and remained detained. On the other hand, Anke walked free after being found not guilty of the drug charges. Upon stepping out of the San Pedro Police Station, she was detained once again pending investigations on the Faye Lin Cannon murder case. Once David is able to pay his court fines he will also be released and re-detained. The couple has not yet been charged for murder and will remain in custody for another 48 hours as investigations continue.
Officer in charge of the San Pedro Police Department, Henry Jemmott, stated that they had additional personnel on the island over the weekend assisting in all angles of recording statements, gathering evidence needed to submit to the Director of Public Prosecustions. He confirmed that the FBI is assisting to a certain extent, but the Belize Police Department takes the lead on any cases that happens within the country.
Jemmott confirmed that a medical report will be ordered for Faye’s other three siblings, and as soon as that is compiled and the children interviewed by a professional all the information will be submitted as evidence.