Belize Coast Guard’s Almita Pinelo Makes History in Mexico

Lieutenant Almita Pinelo of the Belize Coast Guard is the first female ever to attend and graduate from the Universidad Naval, Centro de Studios Superiors Navales (Naval University) in Mexico City in the course of Especialidad de Mando Naval’ (Naval Command Specialty). Almita graduated from a 6-month course along with 81 other male naval officers.

“The last three weeks have been so essential and important to my career as a woman in the military,” stated Almita Pinelo in a Facebook Post. She had the honor of being nominated by the William J. Perry Center For Hemispheric Defense Studies to represent Belize as a panelist under the topic of Inclusive Security.

Belize Coast Guard’s Almita Pinelo Makes History in Mexico

Almita Pinelo representing in Antigua

“Anyone that knows me is well aware of my passion for equal and equitable rights in Belize’s military. Needless to say it I was quite the honor to present such a topic to partner nations during the seminar in Antigua. I also received the directors challenge coin for my presentation that day!”

From Antigua, Almita headed to Mexico City to graduate from their naval university. She completed a junior level staff course that covers different modules in administration, doctrine of tactics and tactics and operations planning.

“For junior officers this is really just a check in the box for our careers but for me it was extra special,” stated Almita. “Not only did I create a bond and friendship with many Mexican naval officers but I was THE FIRST female to ever attend and graduate from the course. I know now I can say at least once I’ve made history.”

“I wish I would have taken more pics, but I tend to live and cherish the moment instead.”

Congratulations Almita Pinelo, you make San Pedro and your country Belize so proud!

Belize Coast Guard’s Almita Pinelo Makes History in Mexico

Belize Coast Guard’s Almita Pinelo Makes History in Mexico

Belize Coast Guard’s Almita Pinelo Makes History in Mexico

Click Here for More News on Ambergris Today Online

Releated Article: Almita Pinelo Graduates from US Coast Guard Academy

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