San Pedro Tour Operators Address Concerns to BTB

The San Pedro Tour Operator Association held a meeting on Wednesday, May 9, 2018, at the Sunbreeze Conference Room where they presented their financials to its members and discussed concerns with representatives of the Belize Tourism Board.

Chairman of the SPTOA, Everette Anderson, presented the current finances of the group and explained expenditures. He was also very happy to report that there has been an increase of membership since their last meeting held in March. Mr. Anderson explained that one of their main objectives is to educate tourists. They plan on making posters welcoming guests and displaying the different decals of tour operators so that they can easily recognize licensed tour operators.

The Director of Cruise and Destination Planning, Mrs. Noriko Gamero was also present at the meeting where she address issues and concerns brought up by the SPTOA. Some of these issues included unlicensed tour operators, the lack of law enforcement/prosecution amongst other issues.

Mrs. Gamero explained that the Belize Tourism Board is working on reassessing laws in order for better law enforcement and prosecution to take place. The BTB has conducted rigorous training for the Tourism Police Unit where a total of 86 TP Officer and police officers were trained. Although Mrs. Gamero could not give concrete solutions to some issues, she assured the SPTOA that the Belize Tourism Board is working very hard in adjusting their systems, reassessing laws and working on having more resources so that proper inspections can take place.

The San Pedro Tour Operators Association board consists of Everette Anderson (Chairman), Roberto Gonzalez (Vice Chairman), Rick Sutherland (Treasurer), Krista Paz (Secretary), David Cal (Director), Emiliano Rivero (Director) and Steve Bowen (Director).

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