Belizeans Trained in Study of Marine Litter

CZMAI Training in Standardization of Methodology for Marine Litter sampling; A Citizen Scientist Approach

The Coastal Zone Management Authority & Institute (CZMAI) and the Belize Water Services (BWS) have partnered to conduct a workshop on the methodology for marine litter studies in Belize.

The workshop entitled “Standardization of Methodology for Marine Little Sampling: A Citizen Scientist Approach”, was held on Wednesday, August 22, 2018 in the CZMAI Training Room in Belize City. The objectives of the workshop were to 1) have participants be able to identify and quantify marine litter according to standard international methodology and 2) prepare participants for the upcoming Scouts Association of Belize annual National Coastal and River-ways Cleanup. In total, sixteen (16) volunteers were trained from various organizations which included the Belize Police Department, Scouts Association of Belize, Oceana Belize and the Belize Water Services. Participants were given a brief theory session on; i) the history of plastic production and use; ii) the evolution of marine litter as a problem; iii) the results of recent marine litter sampling conducted by CZMAI and Oceana Belize and its comparison to regional studies; and iv) the methodology. Following this, there was a short practical training where participants were shown how to sort and quantify marine litter according to the methodology.

As a result of the training held, participants will be able to collect valuable marine litter data in a format that can contribute to a larger country database. The data can be utilized to examine the issue from a regional perspective through data sharing with other CARICOM countries- which can later inform policy. This is especially important for the subject matter of marine litter since the issue is largely trans-boundary.

The CZMAI would like to thank the Belize Water Services for its continued partnership and looks forward to future collaborations that will continue to engage stakeholders.

For more information about CZMAI and its Marine Litter activities please email or call +501-223-5739.

Belizeans Trained in Study of Marine Litter

Belizeans Trained in Study of Marine Litter

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