Hol Chan Kicks Off Reef Week 2019

Reef Week 2019 was officially kicked off on Friday, May 10, 2019 with its annual Reef Fair which took place at Central Park. Students from various schools and the public in general were invited to attend a very informative fair.

There were booths from the Department of Environment, San Pedro Tourguide Association – Kids in Action, Oceana Belize, Turneffe Atoll Sustainability Association (TASA), Hol  Chan Marine Reserve, American Crocodile Education Sanctuary (ACES), Bacalar Chico Marine Reserve and the San Pedro House of Culture.

Children learned about protected areas, protected fish, the environment and even about crocodiles. The House of culture had a beautiful display of San Pedro when it was once a thriving fishing village. It was a very hot day but refreshments were available for those in attendance courtesy of Hol Chan Marine Reserve. There was fun entertainment for all to enjoy as stilt dancers performed for those in attendance. Local artists were also on hand painting reef/sea creatures and the kids had tons of fun with the face painters.

The Hol Chan Marine Reserve also held a community clean up on Saturday, May 11, 2019, cleaning up the coastal areas of Ambergris Caye with the help of volunteers including Staff of The Belize Bank Ltd, ACES, Gwen Lizarraga High School (from Belize City), HCMR staff and Bacalar Chico Marine Reserve staff.

The fun continues today with a puppet show at the Lions Den for school children, “Official Reef Fest Launch” Party at the San Juan Roundabout at 6:30p.m. and on Tuesday, May 14, 2019 activities will conclude with the annual Primary School Trivia Competition. Be sure to join in the fun!

Hol Chan Marine Reserve Kicks off Reef Week 2019

Hol Chan Marine Reserve Kicks off Reef Week 2019

Hol Chan Marine Reserve Kicks off Reef Week 2019

Hol Chan Marine Reserve Kicks off Reef Week 2019

Hol Chan Marine Reserve Kicks off Reef Week 2019

Hol Chan Marine Reserve Kicks off Reef Week 2019

Hol Chan Marine Reserve Kicks off Reef Week 2019

Hol Chan Marine Reserve Kicks off Reef Week 2019

Hol Chan Marine Reserve Kicks off Reef Week 2019

HCMR Coastal Clean Up

Hol Chan Marine Reserve Kicks off Reef Week 2019

Hol Chan Marine Reserve Kicks off Reef Week 2019

Hol Chan Marine Reserve Kicks off Reef Week 2019

Hol Chan Marine Reserve Kicks off Reef Week 2019

Hol Chan Marine Reserve Kicks off Reef Week 2019

Hol Chan Marine Reserve Kicks off Reef Week 2019

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