100 San Pedro High Seniors Receive Diplomas at 43rd Graduation

Founded in 1971 San Pedro High has grown by leaps and bounds. After its first graduation of ten students, this past Sunday, June 8, 2019, SPHS marched 100 students up the aisle of the Rafael Angel Nuñez Auditorium in Graduation and Commencement exercises. 

The Salutatory address was delivered by Ivanna Nuñez and the Vote of Thanks by Gaven Zapata, who had the second and third highest cumulative marks in the class, respectively. Honor student with the highest cumulative average who delivered the Valedictory address was Miguel Hancock. Guest speaker was an inside teacher, Mr. Paul Kelly, just back from his studies after obtaining his Master’s Degree.

100 San Pedro High Seniors Receive Diplomas at 43rd Graduation

Valedictory address by Miguel Hancock

100 San Pedro High Seniors Receive Diplomas at 43rd Graduation

Ivanna Nuñez delivered the Salutatory Address

100 San Pedro High Seniors Receive Diplomas at 43rd Graduation

Gaven Zapata delivered the Vote of Thanks with the third highest cumulative marks in this class

Principal Emil Vasquez delivered the annual report and highlighted some very important issues facing the institution. Vasquez explained that the Ministry of Education is demanding that the school have a named proprietor and as a community school it does not have any. As such the Ministry of Education is proposing that the school be made a government high school. The principal explained that one advantage would be that government would cover 100% of teacher pensions as opposed to 70%. However, in the due process all assets, land buildings and bank accounts would become government property including the management of the school. The board of directors is holding various meetings to carefully address the issue and also consulting lawyers, parents and the community at hand in order to make the best decision possible for the school.

Another issue that the Board has to confront is the ever growing school population.  Every year the intake population is growing and there is urgent need for infrastructure growth, namely classrooms. There is also the pressing need to retain teachers in staff. This year ten good teachers will have to be replaced because they have not met their teaching licenses requirements; time has run out on them. The problem, Mr. Vasquez explained, is that when you advertise for new teachers there are few applicants and even those who apply do not have licenses. There seems to be low interest in the teaching profession and the universities are not producing graduates with pedagogical skills and licenses in education.

Ambergris Today Congratulates its Alma Mater, the graduates and staff and wishes SPHS well in resolving its issues.

100 San Pedro High Seniors Receive Diplomas at 43rd Graduation

100 San Pedro High Seniors Receive Diplomas at 43rd Graduation

100 San Pedro High Seniors Receive Diplomas at 43rd Graduation

Nin Li received the award for Student of the Year

100 San Pedro High Seniors Receive Diplomas at 43rd Graduation

100 San Pedro High Seniors Receive Diplomas at 43rd Graduation

Mr. Paul Kelly (professor) was Guest Speaker

100 San Pedro High Seniors Receive Diplomas at 43rd Graduation

Seniors of the upcoming school year particiapte in Candle Light Ceremony

100 San Pedro High Seniors Receive Diplomas at 43rd Graduation

100 San Pedro High Seniors Receive Diplomas at 43rd Graduation

100 San Pedro High Seniors Receive Diplomas at 43rd Graduation

100 San Pedro High Seniors Receive Diplomas at 43rd Graduation

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