Belize Port Authority Requesting Mandatory Passengers Manifests for Water Taxis

The Belize Port Authority has issued a press release informing of major changes for Water Taxis. Passengers traveling on water taxis will now be required to present a valid identification card for it to be recorded on a passenger manifest, including toddlers.

The request of a passenger manifest has been ongoing for some time now especially with crimes committed on the island and suspects leaving before any investigation commences or is solved, this will be of great help. Also it had been requested in case of possible abductions and most importantly knowing who is in on board a vessel in case of an accident. For this and many other reasons a passenger manifest is of utmost importance. Below is the release by The Belize Port Authority:

The public is hereby informed of the Water Taxi Regulations Statutory Instrument 29 of 2019 that is in effect. The major provisions of the regulations include:

Effective 1 August 2019:

1. Issuance of Personal Flotation Devices to passengers over one-year old.
2. Submission of Passenger Manifests at least 15 minutes prior to scheduled departure time. This requires passengers to provide their names.
3. Cargo Restrictions: Operators are not allowed to carry Cargo with Passenger; only personal effects of passengers are allowed.
4. Passengers’ activities onboard: Passengers who are considered to pose a threat to other passengers may be removed from the water taxi and charged.

Effective 1 September 2019:

1. Water Taxi Permit: An operator is not permitted to operate a water taxi unless in possession of a valid permit and Seaworthiness Certificate issued by the Belize Port Authority.
2. Passenger Fee: A passenger user fee of $1.00 will be included in the passenger fare on the purchase of a ticket.

For more information on the new requirements, kindly contact:
Belize Port Authority, Tel: (501)-222-5665/5666 or Email: – Website:

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