San Pedro High School Celebrates Belize's Culture

On Friday, November 15, 2019, San Pedro High School held a fun and educational Cultural Day Exhibit under the theme “Belize and its people integrated through its dance, music, culture and food”.

After the official opening remarks by Principal Emil Vasquez, Mrs. Angie Ellis officially introduced the guest speaker Mr. Ravey Vellos. Mr. Vellos addressed the students and staff of San Pedro High with a very interesting and informational speech.

“Culture is the cement that holds us together; Culture is the best way to promote our self and country; Culture is the best way to enhance the quality of life.” Stated Mr. Vellos. “Be proud of who you are. Don’t be occupied with cultural labels. Work towards to know hwo we are and practice our identity. In Belize there is lots of miscegenation- that’s how you define a Belizean. Let us keep the Belize culture alive.”

Students and teachers dressed up in all our different ethnic groups found in Belize. Display booths were decorated with items such as food as well with other traditional items. Students work arduously the entire week to set up the perfect display loaded with information as well as fun dances and skits.

Ms. Kristina Romero, Ms. Kate Stahlman, Mr. Ravey Vellos, Mr. Froylan Gilharry and Ms, Pauline Buller were judges for the booth competition. Booths and groups were judged based on music & dance, food display, cultural attire, creativity of booth, to name a few. It was a tough competition but in the end the Ketchi Maya of Belize won!

Here are some pictures of the cultural group displays.

San Pedro High School Celebrates Belize's Cultures

San Pedro High School Celebrates Belize's Cultures

San Pedro High School Celebrates Belize's Cultures

San Pedro High School Celebrates Belize's Cultures

San Pedro High School Celebrates Belize's Cultures

San Pedro High School Celebrates Belize's Cultures

San Pedro High School Celebrates Belize's Cultures

San Pedro High School Celebrates Belize's Cultures

San Pedro High School Celebrates Belize's Cultures

San Pedro High School Celebrates Belize's Cultures

San Pedro High School Celebrates Belize's Cultures

San Pedro High School Celebrates Belize's Cultures

San Pedro High School Celebrates Belize's Cultures

San Pedro High School Celebrates Belize's Cultures

San Pedro High School Celebrates Belize's Cultures

San Pedro High School Celebrates Belize's Cultures

San Pedro High School Celebrates Belize's Cultures

San Pedro High School Celebrates Belize's Cultures

San Pedro High School Celebrates Belize's Cultures

San Pedro High School Celebrates Belize's Cultures

San Pedro High School Celebrates Belize's Cultures

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