Student Sympathy Spreads Cheer

Infant I and II students at The Island Academy culminated the activities of Child Stimulation Month by participating in a letter writing campaign to cheer a terminally ill child in Iowa, U.S.A. Fighting cancer has taken up half of twelve-year-old Max Low’s short life. While his health ultimately declines, he stated that his last wish was to get “one million cards.”

T.I.A. students completed letter-writing lessons and then marched to the San Pedro Post Office to learn about international mail. Postal Officer Mr. Tito sold stamps and explained how letters get to North America. Wishing the best for the young victim of cancer, the students romped back to school, stimulated by a wonderful spring day on the beach. EVERYONE is encouraged to join the drive to send Get Well cards to Max. Please mail to ‘Mighty Max’ Long, P.O. Box 111, Neola, IA, 51559, U.S.A.

Island AcademyIsland Academy

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