Hidden Values

“Not everything that counts can be counted, and
not everything that can be counted counts
– Albert Einstein

It was my birthday last weekend and as a gift I received a trip to Hidden Valley Inn. Located in the Maya Mountains of Western Belize, Hidden Valley Inn is nested on 7,200 acres of private reserve. I found myself in an unspoiled world of nature. Here you will find pristine jungle boasting waterfalls like 1000 Foot Falls, Butterfly Falls, Rio on Pools, Hiking Trails, and Caves all set in the tropical jungle of the Mountain Pine Ridge area.

As we headed off from one adventure to another, I realized how important it was to consider the hidden values of life. For instance; having good health to enjoy the nature of Belize is a value that we all can compromise in the business of life. To enjoy the beautiful surroundings existing in different parts of the world, being healthy adds to the ability you have to explore the planet’s greatness.

Observing the nature around us on our many treks into the Mayan landscape throughout the day, we were in awe of nature’s simplicity. Nature plants the poison and cure next to each in the great harmony of the forest, giving us a clear example of how the great intelligence of the universe balances, simply for the good of all its inhabitance. Simplicity is another hidden value. The relationship of the trees, to the flower, plants and animals in their surroundings is also another value.

Many times in our lives we get caught up on surface values and lose track of the real gems of life which at time can be hidden from view, especially in relationships.

Taking time to reconnect to nature gives us an opportunity to connect and reassess the beauty we have close at hand. Have you taken time to explore the hidden values in your life? When is the last time you reviewed what holds value to you? Everyday it’s a good idea to remind yourself of what is important to you. Doing this you build a solid trail to stay on course to the true value of your life that can become obscured by the confusion surrounding daily living.

Below are some ways to reconnect to your values:

Health: The value of health goes without saying. It is important to do all you can to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You will find as you age, the benefit of self preservation highly enhances your ability to enjoy fewer trips to the doctor in old age.

Simplicity: Simplify, simplify, simplify. You will find a cluttered house equals a cluttered mind in life. Do your best to clear out your closets and move things that you no longer use to someone who can. Give yourself room to experience the simplicity of less outside and experience more on the inside.

Relationships: All life starts and ends with relationships. You were born and cared for by your mothers and fathers relationship. Someone loved you enough to see you grow into the person you are today. Make it important to honor your relationships for when the time come to leave this earth, it’s nice to have someone close to see you off.

Time: Are you someone that’s always too busy to spend time with the ones you love? Do you convince yourself that giving money and things are more important than time? Your time is a precious gift and to those you love, feeling precious is the best thing you can do for them.

Faith: This is the supreme hidden value; you can’t see it, you can’t hold it in your hand, but if you have faith you can accomplish great things in your life. Do you believe in yourself? Do you believe in something greater than yourself? When all else fails where do you turn? Consider developing a deeper faith than what the world provide and find the true value to the kingdom that lie within you.

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