Wisdom of the Third Eye

That soothes your soul
Time and time I am told

It’s the sounds of waves gently rocking
Wind through trees talking
Shifting sand marks where walking

Sparks of lights on morning wakes
Sailboats rocks at mooring gates

Dancing masts to mark the skies
Clouds like snow drifting by

Timeless distant sunny haze
Clears the mind on cloudy days

Liquid life that flows before me
Nature nurture touch of glory

by Emmanuel

There is a silence from water



One morning I was sitting on a dock looking out to see, lost in the moment, my mind far away in deep thought. Turning my head to the left I noticed another person doing the same thing about five docks away from me. There is something comforting about staring out to sea. The soothing quality of water touches us all, reminding us to wake up to our inner guide-intuition.

Your intuition is your third eye. Ask any fisherman he will tell you about his “gut” feeling. Ask a good businesswoman and she will tell you about her “vibes”. The third eye is a mystical concept that refers to the gateway to higher understanding. It refers to the eye of knowledge which is the teacher inside. It is the gateway connected to your ears, eyes and heart that guides you at a deeper level. You become your own doctor to heal your mind, body and spirit when you are able to engage in your inner focus.

Sitting looking out at sea is like fishing for solutions in your own personal inner ocean. Water seems to bring the wisdom of your intuition to the surface and show you the way. When the worlds’ confusion wants to take you away from your true value, making time for water is one way to bring to the surface all the truth that is hidden from view.

We are spiritual beings on a human path. The answer to questions that shape our journey do not come from outside of us; the wisdom we seek is within us.. The kingdom of Heaven is within. The journey is through the uncharted path within our hearts. It’s the journey, not the destination that matters. Choosing the path with heart requires us to tune in to our third eye, seeing and hearing the source speaking in all. Find time to seek solitude so you can activate the third eye within you to open your mind to look beyond your current circumstances. I believe we are here to procure wisdom for spiritual growth. As our way of life changes, it’s important to listen to the inspiration that guides us beyond logic and world knowledge. Life is about evolution- no beginning and no end-like our Creator, the journey is endless and filled with amazing discoveries. Are you ready for the next stage of your evolution?

Excerpt from “Secrets To Life Book” by Chris Emmanuel
Book available at Chris Emmanuel Art Gallery (Sunbreeze Hotel) and Pages Book Store

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