Have an Attitude of Gratitude

“Gratitude is the first step to true happiness; Your goodness increases when you spread goodness to others.” 

A thankful person can hold his gratitude even when things seem to be going bad. Grateful people not only count and take joy in their blessings, but they influence others with words and deeds by deliberately passing it along to those around them. Life is full of opportunities for giving thanks. Do you see them when they arrive? Are you remembering to show appreciation to those closest to you? If you live a positive, grateful, successful life, you will attract other positive, grateful, and successful people. Brighten your future with a good attitude. Begin by developing your grateful spirit today.

Why should you have a positive outlook in the form of an attitude of gratitude? The most selfless reason is to make a better world. Saying thank you helps others feel good. Another reason to develop an attitude of gratitude is that it attracts positive people. If you are a complainer, you can easily find others to share your misery. If you display a positive outlook, you will attract positive people. Positive and successful attitudes include at their core appreciation and gratitude. Develop yours.

Goodness comes in the form of good thoughts too, so practice thinking well of people. Many times we hear stories and rumors about people and we never know what is true. Rather than continuing this false dialogue by passing it out to others, remember that you too can be talked about. Spend your energy wisely by turning back gossip and refusing to listen to it. Bring to mind the good things you know about each person talked about. The truth is we all have positive and negative traits and what we focus on increase in others and ourselves.

Being good starts at home with yourself and your close family and extends out to others you encounter. Many people show a nice face to others outside the home but at home they abuse their family with insults and sometimes physically harming them as well. Remember you are responsible for your family too. Without them you wouldn’t be here to enjoy the sunrise. Practice Gratitude at home first where it counts and you will find you bring more positive energy to enjoy every day in goodness.

Below are a few points to bring more Gratitude in your life:

  1. Everyday take a moment and celebrate the good things that you have been given. Be thankful for being alive. By seeing simple goodness you will always find your peace. If you set the bar too high you will always be waiting for happiness.  Write down what you have to see all the good in your life. If you look at what you do not have in life. You don’t have anything. If you look at what you do have in life you have everything to bring joy into your life.
  2. Rather than looking at the negative things about your spouse or partner, focus on what good he does every day in your life. When you have disagreements do this; bring to mind how you met and why you fell in love with him or her. Thinking this way will help you avoid saying the wrong words when times are tough.
  3. During the day instead of complaining about things at home or work that you would like to see changed, take the time to change what you can and stop expecting someone else to do what you would like. You will find when you start making an effort, often times others will notice and naturally join in to make things better.
  4. If there is something you would like from your partner, like more attention or affection, try giving him or her more instead of asking or complaining. Action speaks louder than words instantly.
  5. Remember, just because you are grateful doesn’t mean others will be. So learn not to expect, but always show your appreciation when others show gratitude towards you.

Finally, in life we get what we give, so the more you give out gratitude the more often you will receive it in return.

Excerpt from “Secrets To Life Book” by Chris Emmanuel
Book available at Chris Emmanuel Art Gallery (Sunbreeze Hotel) and Pages Book Store

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