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What Goes Around

 “You get what you give out.”
They may laugh at the good you do.
Let them laugh.
They may see the good you do as self serving.
Continue to do good.
They may see your generosity as grandstanding.
Continue to be generous.
They may see your warm and caring nature as a weakness.
Continue to be warm and caring.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God.
It never was between you and them anyway.

Christmas is about Christ. I love the holidays it brings out the Christ consciousness in many of us. It’s a time when we celebrate and share our radiant love with family and friends. It’s a time when we reach out to those in need.

Kindness, love and appreciation are the greatest gifts. So give these gifts generously and watch them return to you in gleaming abundance. And remember, you are a gift to all you meet.
We have a few Banana trees in our yard near the beach. Once a year we get bananas. I watch every year as they grow nicely as I go up the stairs to my door. If you know about banana trees, they only yield one crop and then they die.

One morning early on my way down the stairs I saw the banana tree leaning to one side. Examining the bananas I saw they were ready. Green but ready so as they could ripen by themselves without the tree. As I cut down the bunch of bananas, I thought more about nature and how God sees abundance for all and how there is more than enough to go around in all the aspects of divine will.

I felt the best thing I can do would be to share the bananas with everyone in the building. So I took time that morning to give each of the units in my condo some share of the bananas. I received so much Joy as I gave the Bananas to people. At the same time, a friend of mine that was leaving to go back to the US stopped by to give me bananas she couldn’t take.

I witness the divine in Abundance. “As you sew, so shall you reap.” I was able to experience the will of God in this little way. I got and instant return to distributing good. As I looked at the tree I could see how God sent Jesus to die on the cross to produce the great fruit – his teachings to leave behind. Christ came to deliver us the fruit of God’s words for us all to share. He lived and died for this one purpose, so that we might have a chance of divinity.

Seeing Christ as the tree and his wisdom as the fruit of the Holy Spirit shows us the love that God wants us to experience in our life. Each one of us has a responsibility to share the gift of love as we go about our lives. The simplest acts of kindness can bring about a change towards God’s will.

By Chris Emmanuel

Secrets To Live -What goes around

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