Miss ACES 2011 Crowned

Thursday Night,  June 16, 2011, Ambergris Caye Elementary School held its Miss ACES Pageant at the Lions Den. The four lovely contestants Yari Flores, Hailey Haylock, Logan Gray and Paige Privensal took the stage as they wowed the judges and the crowd. Saskia Alejos, the reigning Miss ACES took the stage to crown the new princess of the night which was won by Yari Flores. Miss Flores as well took the title of Miss Popularity. Congratulation to all the conestants for their amazing work.

Miss ACES Pageant 2011Miss ACES Pageant 2011Miss ACES Pageant 2011Miss ACES Pageant 2011Contestants happily hug Yari Flores on her winYari Flores, Miss ACES 2011 and Saskia Alejos, Miss ACES 2010

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