Students Honor San Pedro Moms

Moms are so special and dear to all of us, and for this reason students of San Pedro celebrated in grand Mother’s Day on Thursday, May 10, 2012. ABC Pre-School held the mother’s day day arts and crafts session where moms got to enjoy a special day with their children. Teachers and students of San Pedro RC School held a mother’s day program for all the moms. Students recited poems, performed dances and songs and there were raffles carried out throughtout the program. Below are some pictures for your enjoyment!

ABC Pre-School Mother’s Day Activities

ABC Pre-School Mother's Day Activities

ABC Pre-School Mother's Day ActivitiesABC Pre-School Mother's Day ActivitiesABC Pre-School Mother's Day ActivitiesABC Pre-School Mother's Day ActivitiesABC Pre-School Mother's Day Activities

San Pedro RC School Mother’s Day Program

San Pedro RC School Mother's Day Program

San Pedro RC School Mother's Day ProgramSan Pedro RC School Mother's Day ProgramSan Pedro RC School Mother's Day ProgramSan Pedro RC School Mother's Day Program

Mom’s smiles can brighten any moment,
Mom’s hugs put joy in all our days,
Mom’s love will stay with us forever
and touch our lives in precious ways…

Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful moms of La Isa Bonita!

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