Santiago Castillo Makes World Milk Day Fun for Island Students

Since 2001, when the first World Milk Day was proposed by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), June 1 has become the day which all aspects of milk are celebrated around the world. Belizean company Santiago Castillo Ltd. came to San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, for the first time to celebrate World Milk day, as it has done in past years at different locations in Belize.

Representatives from Santiago Castillo Ltd. set up a fun and educational display at Central Park that included a bouncy house, information booth with lots of goodies for the island students and even a farm display with a functional cow cutout that they could ‘actually’ milk; that was fun to watch.

Santiago Castillo Makes World Milk Day Fun for Island Students

Santiago Castillo Makes World Milk Day Fun for Island Students

Santiago Castillo Makes World Milk Day Fun for Island Students

Part of Santiago Castillo’s mission was to educate school children the importance and benefits of drinking milk on a regular basis as well as promoting Dutch Lady Milk, which the company is a country distributor for. Their marketing director was in full ‘Dutch Lady’ attire, talking to the children and giving out prizes that included, Dutch Lady milk, school bags and lots of cookies and milk.

Santiago Castillo Makes World Milk Day Fun for Island Students

Santiago Castillo Makes World Milk Day Fun for Island Students

Santiago Castillo Makes World Milk Day Fun for Island Students

Santiago Castillo Makes World Milk Day Fun for Island Students

Santiago Castillo Makes World Milk Day Fun for Island Students

Santiago Castillo Makes World Milk Day Fun for Island Students

Santiago Castillo Makes World Milk Day Fun for Island Students

Joining the staff of Santiago Castillo were members of the Angelus Press Ltd. who helped make World Milk Day even more fun for the children. They set up a coloring station and gave away school supplies for their participation.

Santiago Castillo Makes World Milk Day Fun for Island Students

Santiago Castillo Makes World Milk Day Fun for Island Students

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