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San Pedro RC Church Hosts Fun Family Day

On Sunday, February 11, 2018, the San Pedro Roman Catholic Church held a very special mass for the community as “Family Day” was celebrated. After the 10am Mass families were invited to participate in a fun filled day as there were games, performances and lots to eat and drink. Father Scott delivered special blessings to families in attendance and blessing were given to families that posted their pictures on a special wall created for family day. Special thanks goes out to everyone who gave a donation in order for this special day to take place.

San Pedro RC Church Hosts Fun Family Day

San Pedro RC Church Hosts Fun Family Day

San Pedro RC Church Hosts Fun Family Day

 San Pedro RC Church Hosts Fun Family Day

San Pedro RC Church Hosts Fun Family Day

San Pedro RC Church Hosts Fun Family Day

San Pedro RC Church Hosts Fun Family Day

San Pedro RC Church Hosts Fun Family Day

San Pedro RC Church Hosts Fun Family Day

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