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Meet Your New Miss Teen Talk

Ambergris Today is happy to introduce Solani Graniel as the new member of Dorian’s Angels and Journalist of Teen Talk. Solani is a proud fifteen year old Sanpedrana; she is an academic science student at the San Pedro High School. Her hobbies are dancing, swimming, playing soccer and spending time with her family at the beach. Miss Graniel has participated in many interesting activities such as Miss San Pedro High, Aids Commission Dollar Drive, Lion’s Den Conventions, and Dance Exchange Student at the Wisconsin Dance Factory. She has participated in her High School Soccer Team and Food and Nutrition Champion Team. Her future aspiration is to become an eye specialist. Solani is honored to be given the opportunity to become part of the Ambergris Today team to entertain, inform and give teens in her community a voice to express themselves.

Want to be my date??
By Solani Graniel

As we get older we being liking this one and liking the other one but at a point in time one officially falls for one more than the others. Some are shy to say how they feel especially guys because they think they are all “Macho Man” and don’t like expressing themselves to the ladies. They do “hang out”, go on walks, get to know the girl like a date, but at the end of the day there is nothing said.

Perhaps the girl wants something with him but some bouts just do not get the message and can’t figure that the girl is ready to date or perhaps he is too shy and does not want to ask. Most girls have been taught by their parents, of course, that it is the boy that has to ask to date and not the lady, so they wait. Well, don’t wait too long boys because here are some definite signs and I will let the girls tell you what those signs are.

It could be that she will show that she enjoys everything you do and say and will laugh at your simple little jokes. She is only telling you she likes you. Or perhaps she will give you some body language like holding your hand, putting her arms around you, or even resting her head on your shoulder. It is a sign, my boy, don’t waste it.

Hey boys, watch for the tell tell signs. She might not be asking you now to lend her a movie, but asking you what movie is showing and whether you are going. Chances are she wants you to invite her to go to the movies. A movie is an excellent place to have a date and to ask her formally to be your date but why should I tell you let the girls tell you the little tricks they have used. This is the question I asked them: “what signs do you give the boy that you want him to be your date?” And there response was:

Gina – Try to flirt with the guy, let him know that you are interested in him. If he doesn’t realize your flirting with him, treat him as a best guy friend. Be direct and invite him over, have long conversations with him, eventually he’ll realize that you might be looking for more than a friendship with him; he’ll want to take charge only then to ask you out because he might be afraid you don’t like him.

Trisha – I try to hang around that boy to show him my interest in friend ship first. Then I kind of flirt with him or just tell him straight forward if he wants to go out on a date with me.

Ernilda – I would flirt with him and show him that I like him; I would give him hints!

Joelly – I would show interest in him and what he likes. You do not have to pretend to like something you do not, but go out of your way to talk with him and get to know him better. This will also help you decide if you really do like him or do the simple things, like smile at him and laugh at his jokes.

Jessy – I go talk to them, flirt with them, get to know them, try to be friends with him and then flirt a little and once I see he flirts back I know he likes me too so there is when I take chance and ask…so mostly being friendly and being a little flirty.

Christine – What would I do? I’d flirt with him and then after I know I want to go on a date with him I’d ask him what he’s doing tomorrow or this week, and if he says “nothing much” then I tell him that we should hang out some time, if that’s okay with him.

Isabella – I normally try to be friendly, go up and introduce myself, and talk to him whenever I can, flirt with him a little and see what happens then.

So see boys, it is that simple. If you see a girl hanging out around you or flirting a little, it is a sign that she wants a date with you. Done waste your tips, cause I, Miss Teen Talk has given you the secrets.

Teen Talk Journalist; Solani GranielTeen Talk Journalist; Solani Graniel

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