The Sweetness Factor

We all know what makes our ice cream sweet. We know when our coffee has been over sweetened and what’s wrong with too many sweet cookies? But is your boyfriend/girlfriend sweet? Perhaps she/he cooks a dinner for you; you call each other every minute just to say I love you; your boyfriend gives you flowers every once in a while or when he tells you are the only girl for him without lying! So boys and girls tell me: “What makes your boyfriend or your girlfriend sweet?”

Jonathan – She gives me gifts even though I don’t want anything, but she still ends up giving me something when she gives a nice compliment to me! When she is nice to me and says jokes to make me laugh she is showing her sweetness.

Joellie – What makes my boyfriend sweet? Well he’s really nice and we have everything in common. He treats me really good and every girl wants that. I’m lucky; I couldn’t ask for more so that’s what makes him sweet.

Sunny – My boyfriend is the sweetest because he always tells me how much he cares for me. He is always by my side in good and in bad, always there when I’m sick. He always makes me laugh! He visits me every time he can! He buys me gifts, and calls me every time before I go sleep to tell me he loves me! I love him!

Bastien – She’s supportive, loving, and passionate and always there when I need her! That makes my Lovah sweet!

Rocio – When he does things that are nice, when he listens to me even though he doesn’t want to,
or when he tells me he’ll do anything to see a smile in my face which makes me feel so happy.

Lucio – When she calls or texts me every morning and night to see if am okay and always tries to cheer me up when am down; or when she does silly faces to make me happy.

Marco – She’s always there for me; she’s nice to me, she just makes me happy!

Jeremy – Jeez uhh, everything is sweet about my girl! The way she acts and smiles is very sweet. The way she is there for me when I need her!

Javier – For me, what makes my girlfriend sweet is like when I wake up in the morning and I see one of her texts telling me to have a good day and the “I love you” and everything! She is sweet when she asks me like how my day was and stuff and when she congratulates me even if I  really don’t know why. She is sweet when she remembers to tell me happy birthday and how she is the first to tell me or like when I’m with friends and out of nowhere she hugs me and wants me to hug her.  Her most exciting kisses to help me to get motivated! The “I miss you” texts also tell me that she is sweet.  Yeah and a lot more!  I really think I have a really sweet girl?

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