Teenagers Suffer Stress Too!

Many people believe that stress is for adults or people with a lot of problems. Most people believe that young people, especially teenagers do not suffer stress. However, let me define stress. Stress is a distraction from our true selves. Stress comes into play when we have some type of problem, whether it is health, financial and social like when we break a romantic relationship, or lose a job, fail a test etc.
Stress can become an addiction if we do not try to control it. Addiction to stress creates more stress in the long run. So it is wise to learn how to deal with it. HOW? Stop a moment and take a deep breath. Think for a moment and think why we are creating unhappiness unto ourselves. If it does not help us, then it is not worth worrying and stressing ourselves. So I ask teenagers today, “What stresses you out and how do you deal with it?”

Teen Talk Reporter Solani GranielThais – What stresses me out is mostly home-work, also doing chores. I especially dislike when they send me to go buy. I have learned to deal with it by just keeping quiet and doing it.

Teen Talk – The thing that stresses me out the most is gossip! People are always making up rumors and talking stuff behind your back, when it is not true. I also get stressed out when I have too much home work or when I don’t understand something they taught at school. Chores and having someone behind me telling me what I have to do drive me crazy and stress me out the most. I’ve learned to cope with it by just ignoring it, listening to music, talking to myself or a friend I trust about it. Sometimes I even write it down to take out my emotions.

Korin – Home work, chores, boyfriend problems, having fights with friends is what stresses me out the most. I’ve learned to deal with it by just sitting down, listening to music and sometimes ignoring the situation.

Javier – My parents stress me out… all they do is baby me. All they do is view me as the two year old I was and I am tired of that. I can’t deal with it, I rather live alone… I haven’t found the solution.

Joellie – School stresses me out and especially when it comes to studying a lot. When I feel stressed out I make tea and just listen to music and just chill for a bit then get back to studying.

Carly – My boyfriend stresses me out at times, but I love him that I don’t want to end things yet. I’ll wait and see what happens and then find a solution.

Shaunne – My parents stress me out, they never let me do anything and I’m already 18. I haven’t found a solution yet!

As you can see, sometimes not getting what we want, our parents not giving us permission to go out or have a boyfriend/girlfriend, home work, friend and family can stress us out. I believe that the best way to deal with it is to take a deep breath, take it step by step, one day at a time and think before we act or say something and the solution might be simpler than we think!

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