Saying Goodbye after Graduation

Graduation is the action of receiving or conferring an academic degree or the ceremony that is sometimes associated, where students become Graduates. For most Senior’s the time has come to say “good bye to high school and hello to the future!”

It seems like just yesterday most of us were shy to wear our uniforms for the first time in school. We were afraid of teachers, or we didn’t know anyone in our classroom! It is sad to think that four years have quickly gone by and it’s soon coming to an end. It will be difficult for most of us to say goodbye to our friends for we don’t know until when we will see them again! No matter where we go or who we become, each and every one of the good memories we had will forever be in our hearts!

This week I decided to ask my fellow graduates from all over Belize “What will you miss most of high school? What was the greatest moment of your life in high school?”

Teen Talk Reporter -Solani GranielTeen Talk – High school was the greatest time of my life, and saying goodbye will be nothing but difficult! What I will miss the most of high school are the fun times with my friends, saying jokes, laughing, playing around when teachers weren’t there, the craziness we did in class, singing songs, dancing, just being with my friends having a good time! I will also miss the teachers although one or two can get on your nerves but I’ll miss them! I have had so many great moments in high school like going on the football trip and wining, wining Miss San Pedro High, Competing in the Food and Nutrition Competition and helping out the school in many ways I could! I can’t believe four years have gone by and it’s not a good bye; it’s just a ‘see you later SPHS’.

Shadany – What I will miss from High School… well, I will miss my friends definitely all of them and how you get to be with a certain set of people that turn out to be like a family to you after all you went through together.  However the greatest thing was that it help me become the person I am now and the person I will become later on!

Jason – “Well, I’m gonna miss all the study periods that we had, all my friends, and that one girl that got away who’s still gonna be in school. My greatest moment was… well… graduating! “

Guillermo – I’ll miss my little crew; we always used to hang out for break and eat together for lunch.  The greatest moment was winning two times MVP for volleyball!

Trisha – Well what I will miss in school are my friends and the craziness that they did with me every day. My best memory…difficult to say because I had too many.

Ivy – What I will miss the most of high school are my friends and some of the teachers. The greatest moment was when I was in 2 C and all the fun things or  mischievous things we used to do. There are a lot of memories I have of SPHS and I will miss them all.

Cesibell – What I will miss the most will be my friends, and all the good times we had together. The greatest moment in high school would be when I changed high school and made new trustworthy friends here that will last for a life time!

Michael – I will miss mostly my homeroom and some other friends as well! My best memory was all the craziness and fun times we had with each other! Will miss SJC!

Bryan – I will miss my bros and homies and the mischief we did. My best memory is probably when we went on our class trip.

Jess – I will miss all my girlies and of course my teachers… well some. My best memory was meeting new friends every year of high school.

Alyssa – I will miss everything about high school and my best memory was meeting my boyfriend and being with him ever since we met.

Shannel – I will miss my friends and every moment we had together! The memories will forever last! I loved every single second of high school. My best memory would probably be when I was in 2nd form and we had a show at school and we had to dance. I was nervous but did it and was proud of myself. It raised my self esteem.

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