Solani Graniel Says Goodbye to Teen Talk

Every chapter has an end and unfortunately mine has come to its one. As my senior year has come to an end and having recently graduated, I am soon moving on to start a new chapter of my life as I will be now attending St. Johns College Junior College at Belize City where I will be majoring in Environmental Science.

My year as Teen Talk Reporter for Ambergris Today has unfortunately come to an end.  I say regrettably because I enjoyed every minute of it. As we move on to what the future holds with many experiences yet to discover, I would like to take this time to first of all thank Mr. Angel Nuñez for asking me to be part of the Ambergris Today team as Teen Talk reporter from 2011-2012. When I read the message he sent, I was more than happy and quickly replied to him with a “Yes”!

Also thanks to the entire Ambergris Today staff for welcoming me into their family and for making me one of them. I would like to thank my fellow classmate and graduate Miss Emile Gomez for sharing this experience with me!

This experience has surely made me more responsible and has helped me learned to express myself much more and to discover myself and others.   I also learned that many teens may have similar opinions but in different ways or different opinions in the similar ways.

I strongly believe that teens have the right to express themselves and this is the stage when most of us need to take things that bother us out of our system. To the teenagers out there, I would like to tell you to live life to the fullest and don’t have regrets. And if at any point you need advice, I’m more than gladly to help for surely I won’t be that far away.

Most certainty, I would like to thank the weekly viewers and especially those who took their time to comment! I also take this opportunity to congratulate and wish the best to the new Teen Talk Reporter, whoever he/she may be! I will surely miss writing these articles and waiting anxiously to what the viewers may comment! Thank you for giving me this opportunity for you all made one of my dreams come true! Once again, Thank you!

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